Did I read this right? Al Gore was honored for his work concerning “global warming” ??? Since when does being a politician make you an expert in atmospheric chemistry????
The University of Minnesota made an incredibly smart move when they hired Tubby Smith as basketball coach. But before that happened, they considered giving Al Gore a doctorate for climatology??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME????
I don’t go around telling lawyers how to do their jobs. Bankers, chefs… the list goes on and on. But yet, a politician can instantly be an expert in climatology? Education? Medicine? Give me a break.
Recently, a forum was held in Indianapolis about high school education. The panel was made up of doctors, politicians, business leaders… and one teacher. Now I agree that community input and involvement is important, but wouldn’t it make sense to ask the people who have been professionally trained and have experience in that field what works and what doesn’t?????
Some time ago when blogging first came out, people were a bit suprised I had not yet jumped on the blogging bandwagon. So I’m a computer geek. But I just wasn’t into this blog thing. If I wanted to say something, I’d write a web page. Well, I guess I got tired of that and had a lot to say and not enough time. So, I’m giving this a try. I probably don’t have time to do this either, but lately it seems that I’ve finally got out of the “keep your opinions to yourself” mode that I’ve been in for the last few years. So, look out world. Here we go.
Let me also say that what is written here is not necessarily the viewpoint of Blogger; Google; any of my current, past, or future employers; the lawyers that handle all those requests for espress, written consent from major league baseball; or anyone else. It’s mine. I’m entitled to my opinion just like you are entitled to yours. What is said here is my opinion, and should be treated as such. This is my personal site, and has NO CONNECTION OR LINK to any of my other web sites or professional duties.